The Toisto Method - A Summary in English

Toisto is a method of teaching and learning Finnish language by listening, repeating and speaking. Toisto is an ideal method for the beginner level. Toisto helps to get started with Finnish and encourages to speak the new language.

The Toisto Method was developed in the Helsinki University in 2015 when there weren’t enough professional Finnish language teachers to teach newly arrived asylum seekers. Therefore a communal, inclusive, and trauma-informed method was developed to enable the average Finnish speakers to teach a group of beginner level adults to speak practical phrases and words. Professionals of various fields as well as volunteers can use the Toisto Method and materials and teach beginners to speak Finnish.

The Toisto materials have been developed to support a safe and relaxed atmosphere in a group. They help providing an inclusive and learner-centered learning experience. The Method relies completely on speaking Finnish, using picture cards, modeling the words and phrases, and other non-verbal communication.

The Method does not include reading or writing. Therefore the learners are not required to have skills in reading or writing. Also, the learners in a Toisto group do not need a common language among themselves, or even with the Toisto guides. Toisto is a flexible and functional method to try out in various organizations, facilities, and environments.


The Toisto Method

The Toisto Method includes features from the constructivist grammatical approach. Language is made of short excerpts which expand and sprout into a network. Each Toisto session provides a couple of phrases and thus short excerpts to start building one’s language network. Toisto is an ideal way to get started with a new language. Later on, when the language network has grown enough, it will be time for more systematic, rule-based and academically challenging studies, and to replace Toisto with other methods. According to the approach, language is learned by making observations about the language when using it, implicitly. Grammar in not therefore taught or explained during Toisto sessions. In other words, the Method relies on the learners’ ability to make independent observations.

Another interesting feature of the Method is the ”talking dictionary” which has been adopted from the Community Language Learning Model. It is a crucial part of supporting a safe and inclusive learning environment, and of fostering a trauma-informed and empowering approach. With the use of the ”talking dictionary” the Method allows each learner to control when they need or want to accept help. This in turn supports equality and peer learning in the group unlike a school-like hierarchial setting can do. The ”talking dictionary” is also a fun element relieving anxiety about forgetting the words or not knowing the right phrase thus freeing the learning process of shame or stress. It also frees cognitive capacity towards listening and speaking the language itself.

The Toisto Method supports both the learners and the guides who are facilitating the sessions. In other words, the Method provides a two-way support to enable language learning.

Toisto is a method of learning Finnish language by listening, repeating and speaking. The Toisto Method has been developed for adults who want to learn to speak basic, everyday and practical Finnish phrases, but don’t have any previous knowledge of the language.

Toisto encourages speaking and provides useful vocabulary and phrases for everyday purposes. In a way Toisto ”turns” the everyday life into language practice opportunities and supports the learning process.

The Toisto guides facilitate the session according to the script from the Toisto materials. Each session follows the same structure and thus is predictable aand feels safe for every learner. Also, Toisto is a communal method as all the learners listen, repeat and speak and in doing so learn from each other as well.

Only Finnish words and phrases are used in the session. The guides use picture cards to teach the words, modeling the exercises with the assistant guide, plenty of repetition, and non-verbal communication. There is no ”foreign talk” i.e. explaining of the topics or grammar. The amount of verbal expression is limited to the phrases and words being taught at the session. But the few phrases are repeated a lot to enable the auditory learning. (Only if every single learner shares a language with the guides, they can use a few words to instruct in a common language. However, this is not needed.)

Each Toisto session introduces one everyday interaction and its phrases. The grammar or the right phrase structure is learned implicitly, not by explanation. This way learners will be able to make independent observations about the language. This is an efficient and learner-centered way of learning that fosters the agency of the learner. When the learning includes epiphanies, ”aha moments” and realizations it helps the memory as well.

Currently there are available Finnish materials for one year if the sessions are organized one hour per week. By completing all the sessions one can acquire a carefully designed selection of the basic structures of the Finnish language and vocabulary.

Toisto guides and the ”talking dictionary”

The Toisto guides can be volunteers or professionals of various fields (community workers, social counselors, nurses, colleagues, peer students, etc.). Pedagogical teacher qualifications are not required although they are an asset. The only requirements for Toisto guides are fluent Finnish and the ability and willingness to abide by the Method according to it’s values. Toisto guides do not need to be native speakers. Fostering an inclusive atmosphere and providing equal encouragement are key responsibilities of the guides. The values of the Method are safety, accessibility, community and joy!

There are usually two guides per session or group of ten learners. One of the Toisto guides facilitates the session overall, speaks, and uses the picture cards. The other guide is the assistant guide who is playing the role of the ”talking dictionary” during the session, and assisting in modeling the exercises and repeating the words and phrases.

The talking dictionary is an important part of the Method and vital for enabling equal and learner-centered learning. With this feature the Method enables language learning also for those in the most vulnerable circumstances. Everyone gets to speak and practice an equal amount of times. (There is for example no hand raising during the session because that would allow practice for those most eager to try or knowledgable.) Toisto provides the same amount of opportunity to speak for all and hence is most efficient in small group settings of maximum 10 learners.

The ”talking dictionary” is a silent assistant guide who speaks only when modeling words and phrases by repeating after the Toisto guide, or when a learner is requesting a word or a phrases from the ”talking dictionary”. It is beneficial to spend some time in modeling the ”talking dictionary’s” role at the early stage of each session to help learners understand the feature and to use it. The ”talking dictionary” contributes towards a relaxed and playful way of learning together – it often makes people smile and keeps the session going forward.

In practice, the “talking dictionary” walks behind the circle of learners when it is their turn to repeat the phrase, stopping diagonally behind the one whose turn it is. The ”talking dictionary” is available to assist upon a cue or a gesture from the learner. It is crucial that both the guides don’t interrupt the learners efforts, nor correct them by saying anything negative. If the learner doesn’t remember a word or phrase when it is their turn, they can gently slap the ”talking dictionary’s” hand or an item they are holding (an actual dictionary for example to avoid skin contact) to request assistance. If the pronounciation is wrong, the guide repeats the phrase and then it is repeated together, and equal praises are given to each learner regardless of their pronounciation. The words and phrases, although few, require many repetition rounds for the auditory learning and speaking to strengthen. If and when the ”talking dictionary” helps, they speak in an ordinary pitch of voice so that the whole group can hear it, no whispering or fuss.

Toisto materials for the guides

The materials for the Toisto guides are available in Finnish here. There is an English language example of the session 00 Who are you? available with a script, picture cards and vocabulary sheet to download, print and get started with.

There is also a DIY Toisto session checklist to develop one’s own Toisto session and materials for the session. In addition, the templates for the Toisto group announcements are available in 42 languages to enable accessibility and invitations for multilingual target groups.

The Toisto guide’s materials include three things: 1) the scripts for each session, 2) picture cards to model the vocabulary and phrases, and 3) the vocabulary sheet. The materials and the Method have been created for no-.commercial use.

The printout is a summary of the words and phrases learned during the session accompanied with the same pictures used to learn them. It is crucial that the printout will only be distributed after the session to enable the auditory learning. For those unable to read the printout, repeating it together provides an auditory summary. For those learning to read or able to read, the printout provides support to combine the auditory with the written form for further practice at home.

There are 0-level materials and 1-level materials available. The 0-level sessions all start from zero, no previous knowledge is needed. Therefore one does not ”fall behind” when attending any of the 0-level sessions in which ever order. This is one of the reasons why Toisto is a good and flexible method for learners whose circumstances are challenging, not stable or otherwise don’t allow full-time routine attendance.

The materials have been developed for non-commercial use. The pictures are mainly from the Papunet picture bank, please follow the instructions about licenses here.

Toisto sessions or groups

Toisto sessions are organized independently by immigrant associations, organizations, and some Let’s Repeat Together groups for example. All the Toisto sessions are free of charge and suitable for diverse beginner level learners – they don’t require reading or writing skills. The sessions do not include grammar either. In addition, the learners do not need a shared language with each other or even with the guides.

Learners are free to attend the sessions when they want to or are able to. Thus, ideally, no registration is required. Registration in itself can be an obstacle for participation for many therefore preparation and communication towards accessibility in this regard is highly encouraged.

Only Finnish phrases and words are used with the support of picture cards, modeling the exercises, plenty of repetition, and non-verbal communication. There is no ”foreign talk” i.e. explaining of the topics or grammar. The amount of verbal expression is limited to the phrases and words being taught at the session. Only if every single learner shares a language with the guides, they can use a few words to instruct in a common language. Using a shared language that only some understand will discriminate those in the group who don’t understand it and thus is not in accordance with the Method’s values. If in doubt, it is best to keep to the script and refrain from explanations. Less is more when it comes to learning with Toisto.

Each Toisto session introduces one everyday interaction and its phrases. The grammar and the right phrase structure is learned implicitly, grammar is not explained. This way learners will be able to make independent observations about the language. This is an efficient and learner-centered way of learning and fosters the agency of the learner and help to remember it.

The Toisto sessions last from about 45 minutes to one (1) hour each if there are about ten (10) learners. There are ideally two Toisto guides per session to utilize the ”talking dictionary” feature in the best way possible.

The sessions can be provided for sort time as a pop up sessions, or on a more permanent basis as a Toisto group. Toisto sessions can be organized alongside other activities in organizations, municipality, educational institutions, reception centers or in shelters, community centres or local associations. Similarly Toisto groups can be started and run by immigrant organizations and any other agencies that support integration and inclusion into Finland. The learners can change in each session and are free to participate when possible.

Download and print a Toisto sign for guidance and to indicate your Toisto group.

The Toisto Model

The Toisto Method has been combined with the Let’s Read Together operating model. The Model includes training for Toisto guides, Toisto materials available to download, website with additional information and videos for the guides, info sessions and support in starting a Toisto group if needed, and multilingual poster templates to inform about a Toisto group. Further info about how to communicate about Toisto can be found HERE.

In practice, Toisto sessions can be established as part of the activities of the Let’s Read Together or other groups or language cafés. Similarly, the sessions can be included independently by immigrant organizations in their action plans and projects to support inclusive language learning and integration.

The Toisto sessions can particularly support the learning process of those individuals who are outside the workforce or are not eligible to participate in the official integration courses for some other reason. The Method helps anyone to start to speak Finnish regardless of educational backgrounds. With Toisto the language learning starts from speaking just like a child starts to learn their mother tongue ny listening and repeating. Thus it can be said that the Toisto method relies on a natural way of learning a language.

The Model includes ”a starting package” for the Toisto guides. It includes 11 Toisto sessions (00-010) and materials for them, including a guidebook in Easy Finnish (selkosuomi) that was published at the beginning of 2023 and will be updated at the end of 2024.

The Project 2022-2025

The Let’s Repeat Together Project (Toistetaan yhdessä -hanke in Finnish) is a three year project implemented from 2022 until early 2025. The project is part of the nationwide network called Luetaan yhdessä (Let’s Read Together).

The Project promotes the agency and capacity of volunteers, professionals and organizations in teaching Finnish at the beginner level. To this end the project provides a simple and adaptable Toisto Model to implement. The Toisto Model will support the Let’s Read Together and other groups as well as organizations to teach Finnish independently, alongside their already established activities.

The Toisto sessions can be facilitated by volunteers or professionals. The Let’s Repeat Together Project (Toistetaan yhdessä -hanke) specialists provide training for volunteers and professionals free of charge to support them in utilizing the Method. In addition, consultation and info sessions about how to start a Toisto group are available until the project ends in early 2025. The Let’s Repeat Together Project (Toistetaan yhdessä -hanke) does not coordinate any of the Toisto groups or sessions – they are independent of the Project.

The Let’s Repeat Together Project (Toistetaan yhdessä -hanke) is funded by the Funding Centre for Social Welfare and Health Organizations (STEA)

From February 2025 onwards until 16 February 2028 the Method will be utilized in a new project called Friendly Finnish – Toisto Method in Schools Project funded by the European Union’s Asylum Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF).

All inquiries about the Method, further information can be sent to the project staff: or the project specialist Minna Savolainen: minna.savolainen(at) (in English or in Finnish).

The Beginning of the Toisto Method

Originally the Toisto Method was developed in 2015 in a project by Helsinki University to respond to the increased need for language teaching at a beginner level. The method supports any person with good Finnish skills to be able to teach the basic level phrases and encourage speaking. All the original Toisto materials for guides in Finnish and Easy Finnish can be found (at least until end of the 2025 project) here:

The original developers of the Toisto Method:

Project lead: Maria Ahlholm, content: Helsinki University’s student group 2015 (S2-ainedidaktiikan ryhmä 2015): Edit Domokos, Noora Helkiö, Kristina Hemminki, Saara Huilla, Riitta Hyvärinen, Sari Ilola, Heli Keijonen, Leena Kuivanen, Raili Kulonen-Hendricks, Kristiina Kurki, Venla Luukka, Päivikki Määttä, Tapani Möttönen, Katariina Nisula, Maija Penttilä, Eeva Ruoho, Sini Räihä, Kristiina Vaara

Coordination of the content: Saara Maria Huilla
Logos and the overall visuals of the original website ( Johanna Sallinen

The original Toisto picture cards:
Tuija Helkiö (picture cards for the original sessions 00-09)
Aleksei Zamiatin (other picture cards)

The updated picture cards sources also include: Papunetin kuvapankki,, Sergio Palao / ARASAAC, Kuvako, Elina Vanninen, Paxtoncrafts Charitable Trust ja Heidi Ahlström; Clker-Free-Vector-Images / Pixabay.

Drawings: Selina Nastase

Original website
Video scripts: Lari Kotilainen
Video edits: Olli Leppänen
Video filming: Edit Domokos, Pinsku Kela, Heli Keijonen, Raili Kulonen-Hendricks
Sound: Mikael Kivelä
Website by: WordDive
Pedagogical consults: Eveliina Korpela, Lari Kotilainen, Ninni Lankinen
Videos include also: Seija Karppinen, Arto Nyberg, group of Helsinki University exchange students.

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